Version 0.1.0612.7

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Version 0.1.0612.7

Post by MM7DBT »

Update Version 0.1.0612.7 - Date: 12/06/21 (or 06/12/21 for those that like mm/dd/yy :P )

  • Added 'Ham Contacts' upload! - You can now write the DMR ID database using the editor and python script. :D
    An exciting update one step closer to having a standalone replacement for the CPS.
    Using the editor you can open a CSV file containing the DMR ID database. This is based on the database and requires the CSV column headers to match.
    The world-wide database is free to download and is updated daily, currently containing 198233 DMR ID's
    You can compile your own database but it must use the following layout / column headers;

    The firmware is being expanded to 300,000 contacts so there's no need to worry about when the WW database passes 200,000.
    A great step in the right direction for this radio :)
  • Added a file version system so that it is much easier to track updates and compare to the version you are currently using.
    The version layout is as follows; MajorVersion . MinorVersion . BuildDate . BuildNumber
    So the current version at the time of this post is 0.1.0612.7 - which following the version layout shows that it was built on 12/06/21 and is build 7.
    The build number will increment for each build on the same day, so if there are multiple updates on one day you can still track the latest version :)
  • Added slightly more meaningful error messages for when the script can't connect to the radio, COM port in use etc.
    Unfortunately as the editor calls the python script in a completely separate process, it's hard to get error messages passed back into the editor to display.
    Hopefully I've already solved most of the previous issues people were having but the new error messages should help some more.

As always, I appreciate any comments you have for this version. I'd love to get some feedback on the Ham Contacts upload and whether you have any trouble uploading.
I used it myself to update to the latest dump and wrote the entire 128 bytes for 198233 contacts in just over 40 minutes... about 7-10 minutes quicker than the CPS can :shock:
I have tested 300,000 contacts and I can confirm that the radio does support it and seems to work ok, so no worries when we get over 200k :)
-73 de MM7DBT